DNA Forensics Lab LogoGovernment approved DNA testing services in India

Immigration DNA Tests in India

Getting an Immigration DNA Test is necessary for establishing relationships for immigration purposes and is considered the most accurate way to determine the biological relationship between the petitioner and a beneficiary.

At DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., we have been acknowledged in the growth of ingenious DNA testing services and are a trusted provider of embassy-approved DNA Testing for Immigration purposes. Our testing facility is accredited with the Ministry of justice, CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, ANAB, and AABB to conduct embassy-approved Immigration DNA tests in India.

We use 21+ premium loci (markers) validated by FBI CODIS in our Immigration DNA Test reports. Additionally, we ensure 100% accurate and reliable DNA testing for immigration purposes with our dual testing policy.

We collect the sample for an Immigration DNA Test by our professionals or an accredited sampler in a legal case. Results are issued within 3-5 working days.

Benefits of an Immigration DNA Test

  • If someone is applying for abroad resident status but does not have a reliable birth certificate or family records available, an Immigration DNA test becomes a reliable solution in documenting.
  • DNA testing for Immigration Purposes also helps prove family ties between parents, siblings and half-siblings, and paternal aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
  • If a family member is already a citizen, the country may allow immediate family members or extended family members also to enter the premises to prove the relationship. Even in that case, an Immigration DNA Test remains equally important and can quickly be done at DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.

Buccal Swabs are the most preferred samples for Immigration DNA tests in India. We easily obtain samples from the inside of the cheek with a sterile cotton swab (buccal swab), and once DNA samples are collected, they are packaged in a tamper-proof bag for shipment to our testing laboratory. We share the results of an Immigration DNA test only with authorized individuals, and the results we issue are legally admissible and may be used as proof of relationship. For the protection of theĀ results, we never release test results over a phone call.

DNA testing for Immigration purposes requires us to collect and keep the DNA samples as long as required by our authorization guidelines but are destroyed after the requirements are fulfilled.

At DNA Forensics Laboratory, we tend to provide cost-effective DNA testing for immigration purposes at affordable prices. We understand the need for secrecy and privacy of our customers and provide the convenience of Home sample collections. Immigration DNA Tests in India also hold their significance due to a comparatively higher number of visa refusals. Getting a DNA test for Immigration purposes can not just save you from the refusals but can add weightage to your application when enclosed with the primary documents.

We highly recommended that you get an Immigration DNA Test beforehand and ensure your immigration success in the first attempt.

For AABB, NATA, or MOJ accredited Immigration DNA Tests in India, call us on +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp on +91 9266615552.

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Brand Name
DNA Forensics Laboratory
Product Name
Immigration DNA Tests
+91 8010177771
+91 9266615552
Immigration DNA Tests in India


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    Since the peace of mind test samples are not collected under a strict chain of custody or on order of honorable court by a third neutral party and the Laboratory cannot verify the origin of the samples, this test result may not be defensible in a court of law for the establishment of paternity/relationship and other legally related issues. The tested partiesā€™ names that may appear on this report have been provided by the client and cannot be verified. The laboratory assumes no responsibility for incorrect or misspelled patient information.